Package-level declarations

Contains the OudsTheme composable that can be used in your app to apply a chosen theme. The other files are used to build the theme and don't have to be used directly but only through the OudsTheme.


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Available border styles in OUDS.

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object OudsTheme

Object that stores tokens values for the current theme.


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Converts an OUDS border radius token to the local border radius value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS border style token to the local OudsBorderStyle value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS border width token to the local border width value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS color token to the local color value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS elevation token to the local elevation value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS grid token to the local grid value provided by the theme. Note that grid token value returned varies depending on the window size.

Converts an OUDS opacity token to the local opacity value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS space token to the local space value provided by the theme.

Converts an OUDS typography token to the local typography value provided by the theme. Note that the typography value returned varies depending on the window size.


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fun Modifier.dashedBorder(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape, intervals: List<Dp> = listOf(width * 2, width * 2), phase: Dp = 0.dp): Modifier

Modify element to add a dashed border styled with appearance specified with a width, a color and a shape, and clip it.

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fun Modifier.dottedBorder(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape): Modifier

Modify element to add a dotted border styled with appearance specified with a width, a color and a shape, and clip it.

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fun OudsTheme(themeContract: OudsThemeContract, darkThemeEnabled: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit)

OudsTheme is the theme to apply to your screens in a Jetpack Compose application. Use it at the top of your application in replacement of the MaterialTheme. Cause OUDS supports multi-theme, you should pass a themeContract as theme configuration to use an OUDS supported theme.

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Tweaks the current OUDS theme and displays given content according to the selected tweak.

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fun Modifier.outerBorder(width: Dp, color: Color, shape: Shape = RectangleShape, insetWidth: Dp = Dp.Unspecified, insetColor: Color = Color.Unspecified): Modifier

Modify element to add an outer border (drawn outside the element) with appearance specified with a width, a color and a shape.